Saturday 19 December 2009

A week and a half to go

Hi, only a week to go till christmas, which only a week and a half to go until the big flight to NZ - kit list is now complete, so just the packing and keeping tickover on the training side of things.

Starting to get my head around the task of riding 2300km from the Northern tip of the North Island to the Southern tip of the South Island. Really looking forward to it and catching up with some good mates ive not seen in a while.

My weapon of choice for the training camp is a 2008 Specialized Tarmac Pro SL...mmmmm....super comfy, but brilliantly stiff for climbing and going for those extra little points at the sprints to keep me high on the score board. Im also taking my Powertap SL+ to track power and chart progress throughout the trip.

My aim is to try and upload notes and photos at the end of each day, so you can all keep track of where I am and how im doing.....and more importantly record the cake consumption.


  1. Looking forward to riding with you mate. It's going to be tough, but a lot of fun. Got hammered by a Wellington squad today, strong riders. Reassured that it was harder going than Epic Camp at least!

  2. Just wondering how I'm going to try and keep up with your mileage on the turbo after work each day...might just concentrate on matching the cake consumption instead :o)

  3. I'll go for keeping up with the cake consumption rather than cycling miles i think!!
